Sarah Kerry's blog. That's right. Me!

Saturday 27 February 2010

Tate modern entry, more things

Hi All,

I make giant knitted biscuits. amongst other things you can see them over there at

Have a look at my latest entry to the Create for Tate release competition. I get a kick out of altering scales and warping perception, (it makes my day to have a minature or oversized drink!) and this product does just that, with a sophisticated nod toward existing works in the Tate modern.

This is a take on Mondrian's Study in Red, Blue and Yellow. But obviously if a mouse had painted it/ decided to live in it. 


This features Simon, a cartoon mouse I created in my 2nd year of university. He normally wears a feather boa and has got me through some tough sketchbook problems, although he does tend to make the process that bit messier. No worries though, i'm a messy worker.  It's an homage to Andy Warhol's Marilyn Munroe Diptych (yes, it evades the point of the original, as Simon the Mouse is not a household name, has not become an idea to be mass marketed. Even if my product wins the competition, it will still not achieve the ubiquity of the baked bean tin. It's a joke).


This references Roy Lichtenstein's "Whaam!" painting. I thought if i didn't reference cheese, it would be a cliche left unexploited: travesty.

Here is a quick update of the rest of my life:

  • Working on a couple of new products. The ipod cosy is out, but there are some more patterns to go online.
  • Still getting even better at using these data analysis programs, database & GUI creation. My CV already looks wonky enough. I do enjoy it though, weird as that sounds.
  • Slowly learning the whereabouts of all the Sam Smith's Pubs in London
  • Considering a range of Tea cosies. Too gimmicky?
  • Nearly finished Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead". So people can stop silently judging me over the top of the G2 (I know you throw the rest away...) 
 Thanks for reading, that was entry number one! I hope I can keep this up...